Pithapuram is located in South Central Railway Zone, between Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam at a distance of 10 Kms. from Samarlakota Junction. Sreepada Sreevallabha Samsthanam is in the Gopala Swamy Temple Street, 1/2 a Km. from Pithapuram Railway Station.
Generally from south side main trains stops at Pithapur Station but only one train from Mumbai to Samalkot station that is Konark Express.
Generally from Mumbai to Pithapur approximately 26 hours. Konark Express starts from mumbai (V.T) 3.10 pm and reaches there next dat around 6'O Clock. Every year time table schedule and timings are changed as per Railways. From Samalkot to Pithapur approximately distance is around 10 kms. From Pithapur it takes 20-45 mins depending upon what kind of transport you are using to reach to temple. Special taxi's are also available at approximate cost of Rs.150 to 350.
There are lot of Bus facilities between Samarlakota and Pithapuram.
Note:Please get all details and timing of trains coming to Pithapuram |